Featured Meteorites
NWA XXXX 2670g Aesthetic Meteorite
This is a 2670g centerpiece meteorite masterpiece. It is the NWA XXXX that you just want to hold. It has a fantastic disc like shape and retains much of the entry features such as thumbprinting, fusions crust, and even some frothy crust in what must have been a low pressure area during a late portion of hot flight. Other areas show a desert varnish and some portions where the sand has eroded slightly down into the interior. Along the fragmented areas you can see some planes of the shock veins as they fan out slightly. It is great to hold this stone. Piece is now part of the Krick Collection
Interactive 3d Model
NWA XXXX 2932g Whole Stone
Interactive 3D Model
This 2932g NWA XXXX has a fantastic blocky shape and retains some of the sculpting form entry. Other areas show a desert varnish and some portions where the sand has eroded slightly down into the interior. It is great to hold this piece. This meteorite has now joined the Kent Collection.
Wonderful Hah 346 “Ghadamis” just over a kilogram with great features, the highlight of which are the impact marks. Available for your collection.
Interactive 3d Model
NWA XXXXX in classification, likely Eucrite, likely Jakharra 001 Pairing,
This piece of unclassified Eucrite is in my personal collection. It is a likely pairing to Jikharra 001 and is being independently classified along with the other stones I received in this lot. The stone weighs about 13kg. It has patches of remaining fusion crust with a glassy portion remaining. There are some pockets in the stone, one of which I was surprised to find a desiccated spiders nest in. The thick flows of melt can be seen all around the large clasts throughout this stone. Use the 3d model to zoom in and you can see multi centimeter thick rivers of melt, much of which has large vesicles. The clasts are varied and numerous. They are very evident on the surface of the stone, and on other pieces I have cut they look fantastic with a polish. If someone is really interested in it they are welcome to swing me a price, but I am not sure this is one I will be letting go of. If I invite a lay person to look at this stone, I think it is the one that conveys “asteroid” with the least explanation. I like the impact it has on people.