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The rarest stones on Earth come from outer space.

The childhood joy of witnessing a shooting star does not wear off in adulthood. This rare occasion reminds us that our solar system is a complex place that is active and constantly changing. What you may not know is that larger glowing hot fireballs (bolides) are meteors that often reach the ground becoming meteorites. Now you have the incredible opportunity to hold an actual piece of outer space in your hands, or to give as a gift to help inspire next generation to look up toward the stars.

Meteorites tell the story of our solar system.

Holding a “falling star” is both rare and inspiring. Meteorites teach us about history of our small region of the Universe, and in doing so the give us insight well beyond. They have shaped the path of life on Earth. At our foundation we live on an accumulation of space rocks that melted into the life sustaining sphere we live on today. The feeling of “awe” you have when holding one of these, that’s the awesome of a Universe much bigger than ourselves. That is the wonder only uncovered through science!


Featured Meteorites

Here you will find meteorites I wanted to highlight. Sometimes they are for sale, sometimes they are for auction, and sometimes they are specimens form my personal collection that I wanted to share with you. This is also the area that I will play around with new media in an effort to improve the on-line meteorite experience. In that regard, check out the new 3d models that I have rendered of the current featured meteorties.